Nantucket Disc Golf is looking to have a spiffy Nantucket-themed logo designed for our bag tags this year.
Bag tags, if you haven’t heard, are weather-proof tags that are sold for a few dollars by disc golf clubs or groups to raise money and promote a little fun-spirited competition amongst disc golfers, from absolute beginners all the way to the most advanced players.
Here's how bag tags work in case you are wondering...Each person who buys a tag will hang it on his or her disc golf bag. During the year, if you have a higher numbered tag (say, #26) and you see someone with a lower-numbered tag (say, #7), you can challenge them to play a round, a half-round, a putting or long-drive contest, or any other disc golf related competition. Assuming it is a reasonable time to play, the person with the lower-numbered tag is generally required to accept the challenge. If the person with the higher-numbered tag wins, (s)he gets to trade tags with the person who has the lower number. This competition lasts throughout the year and the goal is to acquire (and retain!) the lowest-numbered tag possible, else your friends will tease you having such a high number! At the end of the year, prizes are awarded to those with the lowest numbered tag in each age/sex group.
A $50 MarshallStreetDiscGolf.com gift certificate (thank you, Brett Watts!) is being offered to the person who designs the coolest and funkiest Nantucket-themed logo for our bag tags. If you would like to participate and create a design, e-mail me at todd@nantucketdiscgolf.org and I can send you more details on the required dimensions and layout of the logo. The deadline to send us your design is Sunday, April 15 and Nantucket Disc Golf will select and announce the winner shortly thereafter. In addition to receiving the gift certificate, the winning designer will forever hold the bragging rights as being the designer of the first ever bag tags for our beautiful, new island course!
Thanks, and happy designing!
Todd Rainwater
President-Nantucket Disc Golf